Intello Labs: Leveraging Machine Learning to improve Quality

Intello Labs: Leveraging Machine Learning to improve Quality

December 23, 2020
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Intello Labs uses image matching and machine learning to measure the quality of crops. It provides advanced image recognition technology that can recognize objects, faces, flora fauna, and tag them in any image.
Intello Labs’ products currently include Intello Track, a mobile app for checking produce quality across the supply chain. It allows users to take images on their phones and the company’s AI platform objectively grades based on colour, size and visual defects. This app integrates with the company’s sorting machines (Intello Sort), packing technology (Intello Pack) and NIR scanner (Intello Deep).


Inability to ascertain food quality in an accurate and timely manner at less cost

Food businesses often lose customers and incur losses from returns of purchases due to bad quality. The existing methods of quality control such as physical inspection are limited in terms of availability of sufficient skilled manpower to assure quality. More so, these methods are quite costly and subject to human error.


Provision of modern and more accurate digital means of accessing product quality

Intello Labs accomplishes its mission by using computer vision and Artificial Intelligence to carry out quality assessment of food commodities. This helps food businesses (growers, traders, retailers, food service companies, exporters, etc.) improve their customer satisfaction and cut down losses.

Value Proposition and Key Benefits of Intello Labs

-Improve Customer Satisfaction: When you shop online the one concern is the quality of the product. If you are building an e-commerce startup you gotta know how AI can help you deliver the best quality products to your customers. Intello Labs helps their clients reduce customer refunds due to poor quality and increase profits.

-Sustainability: The solution Intello Labs renders helps to reduce wastages thereby helping to solve the sustainable development goal (SDG) of responsible consumption and production (SDG 12).

-Timeliness: Undue time is spent with the use of excel sheets as against the use of Intello Labs. With fresh produce, this flaw magnifies. Not all defects will show up in an item. A user has to wade through scads of empty or 0 columns to fill the entire spreadsheet. That eats up time, something already in short supply with fruits and vegetable

-Standardization: Intello Labs solutions maintains data integrity, eliminates errors, monitors all quality parameters, and delivers actionable insight.

Looking Ahead

Intello Labs is seeking to improve customer base, pursue opportunities and accelerate growth in global international markets such as China, Southeast Asia, and the US.

Agriculture StartUp

Intello Labs (India) Pvt Ltd

Founded In



Devendra Chandani, Milan Sharma

Solution Overview

Provision of modern and more accurate digital means of accessing product quality


Mass Challenge, Google for Startups Accelarators, Indigram Labs, Go, Grow


C-801, Courtyard, Nirvana Country, Sector 50, Gurugram, Haryana 122018

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