Aries Agro: Mineral additives to boost crop growth

Aries Agro: Mineral additives to boost crop growth

December 27, 2020
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Aries Agro Ltd was founded in the year 1969 by Dr T. B. Mirchandani and Mrs Bala Mirchandani.

Aries Agro had in-house expertise in the area of mineral nutrition and expanded its product line in manufacturing of micronutrients and other customized nutritional products for agricultural use. Agromin (chelated micronutrients) and Chelamin (chelated zinc) are the company’s flagship products.

The company’s products include secondary nutrients – sulphur, magnesium, calcium and other value-added, water-soluble complexes of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and potassium (K).

Key Differentiators, Products and Services


·Plant Protection

·Fishery and Animal Nutrition

·Specialty Nutrients

·Water Soluble NPK (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium) fertilizers

·Hydroponics and Consultancy

Hydroponics and Consultancy

The various farming practices play a significant role in maintaining variety, regulation global climate change and energy use, preserving scheme services, optimizing productivity and guaranteeing food security. Rising demand for recent and pesticide-free husbandry turn out for perennially-swelling urban population everywhere the globe is leading to the introduction of new farming techniques. These embody soil-less techniques like husbandry, Aeroponics and Aquaponics which will redefine industrial agriculture.

Plants grow through a method known as chemical action, within which they use daylight and chlorophyll (green pigment within the leaves) to convert dioxide (taken from the air) and water (absorbed through the roots) into aldohexose (a form of sugar) and the chemical element is free. There is “soil” and in “anyplace”. What they are doing is water and nutrients, each simply obtained from the soil. However, if they will get this stuff somewhere else—say, by standing with their roots, they just would not need the soil.

 Access to residue-free, quality turn out, usage of dead unusable urban areas like basements and subways, open urban areas like terraces, backyards, carbon footprint thanks to long-distance transport, conservation, easy automatic systems on distant management, automation, yearlong production, etc area unit a number of the items potential with husbandry. Having established in the plant nutrition sector for the last five decades, thus they are good at exploring new-age technologies that can hold the long run of growth. Soilless cultivation is quickly gaining momentum as an alternate farming technique to avoid all disadvantages and disadvantages of soil growing.

CSR activities

The Company has founded Farmer’s centre at its Vijayawada branch presently using three qualified B.Sc. Agri executives to gather soil testing information and answer farmers queries so as to supply an immediate connection with their customers. Aries Agro provide all calls & queries bearing on integrated nutrient management, persecutor management, soil choice, post-harvest management, etc. Flood & Drought relief Another space that Aries Agro actively supported was when the geographical region & recently the Kerala floods.

 The relief material enclosed rice, medicines, water purifying tablets etc. Providing informative Services Farmers were additionally given artefact costs, crop advisories and weather alerts throughout the year exploitation mobile text messages. Aries Agro has partnered with the Multi commodities market of India (MCX) to supply postponed live artefact costs over the net and additionally to participate within the MCX Grameen Suvidha Kendra (GSK) project.


Right now, they are India’s Plant Nutrition Super-Bazaar but they aim to become one of India’s largest Agri input companies and want to capture every brand in product category required for specialized agriculture. Great importance is given to value for “farmers” and all “stakeholders” using cheap and profitable, environmental-sustained crop nutrition solutions designed for the specific needs of crops and soils of India and other foreign countries.

Aries Agro also want to spread good agricultural practices like balanced crop nutrition farming and its knowledge. 

Agriculture Startup

Aries Agro Ltd.

Founded In



Dr. T. B. Mirchandani and Mrs. Bala Mirchandan

Solution Overview

Plant Nutrition solutions


Public Company


Mumbai, Maharashtra

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