Smur Agro: Knows Organic Farming is the future

Smur Agro: Knows Organic Farming is the future

January 6, 2021
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Smur Agro is dedicated to promoting Organic Farming in India and South Asia. The company imports and manufactures 100 percent organic products for agriculture and livestock. All manufactured products of Smur  Agro are Organic and certified by IOCA under NPOP programme. 

Challenges that Smur Agro has identified

∙ While more and more people demand organic produce, India accounts for a meagre 2.59% of the total organic cultivation in the world. 

∙ While chemicals based green revolutions ensures food security for India, it has also given birth to chemical-based farming which is impacting public health, causing diseases and long term ailments. The use of chemicals and synthetic products not only degrades the soil health but also causes soil erosion.  

∙ Besides policy support, organic farming needs on-field support to the farming community. The farmers do not have access to verified and validated knowledge about farming practices, training on new technologies and scientific approaches to agriculture.

∙ Prevalence of substandard and counterfeit organic products in the market which results in crop losses and depleting soil health. 

Solution that Smur Agro offers

Smur Agro Pvt. Ltd. is an ISO 9001 – 2015 Certified agriculture products and support organization. The company is committed to supporting the farming community by providing organic products and support services. Smur Agro believes that organic farming is the only sustainable way of growing food in the long run. The company’s products for distribution include Organic Fungicide, Organic Fertilizer, Organic Fertilizer, Organic Pesticide, Fertilizer and Nutrients. Smur Agro also provide comprehensive support services. These include on-site technical assessments, application assistance and customized schedules.

The company also provides a cost-benefit analysis and crop growing schedule for every crop to the farmer where such farmer gets complete information about new crop cultivation and cost of cultivation of the crop and expected outcome. Smur Agro also helps farmers obtain organic certification so that they can get a better price for their farm produce. The company provides advert and market intelligence support of its channel partners.  The Company recently launched a state-of-the-art e-commerce platform through its website.

Value Proposition and Key Differentiator of Smur Agro 

Added Benefits: The Company’s products not only protect crops from all kinds of harmful bacteria and pests,  but they also improve the quality of the soil. 

Technology: The company partners with the latest organic innovators and enablers from all over the world to develop scientific and organic products for crops and livestock. 

Organic: A vast majority of Smur Agro products are comprised of “high-grade ingredients such as extracts, algae, fungal extracts, organic material” for specific and general use. 

First crop season dip in productivity: Smur Agro products not only counter the dip in productivity which the Indian Council of Agricultural Research estimates on an average of 6.7% in the first year of the transition but actually increases the productivity of the farm. 

Future Outlook of Smur Agro

The ultimate aim of Smur Agro is to increase its global presence as a supplier of a complete range of organic products and solutions for commercial agriculture and domestic garden segments. The company is partnering with large global players from the agriculture sector to leverage scale and knowledge of its partners. Smur Agro is working towards changing the perception of organic farming through deeper engagement with global players, policymakers and key stakeholders. 

The focus of the company for the future is continued innovation, promotion of healthy and effective organic products and sustainable farming practices. Smur Agro aims to continue to partner with the best minds across the globe and strive for the easy and economical reach of best organic products and support systems.

Agriculture Startup

Smur Agro Ventures Pvt. Ltd.

Founded In



Mr. Udayan Arya, Mrs. Meghna Arya, Mrs. Shalu Shani and Mr. Rakesh Sahni

Solution Overview

SMUR Agro Ventures is a pioneer in promoting scientific organic farming in India. It has  partnered with the latest organic innovators, agronomists and enablers from around the  world and developed scientific organic products for crops grown in all soil types and  climates. SMUR Agro Ventures current portfolio of products ensures that all aspects of growing food are  looked after organically.


Self-funded / paid up capital is Rs. 100,000


AG 129, Nirvana Country Sector-50, South City-II Gurgaon, Gurugram, Haryana, India  122018

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