RML Agtech: Bliss! Agri Information is now 1 click away

RML Agtech: Bliss! Agri Information is now 1 click away

December 27, 2020
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With the launch of the Digital India program, the country is progressing towards a new ‘Digital’ era. An approach to transforming the lives of the entire population by digitally empowering them and making them a part of the knowledge economy. RML Agtech or Agritech is one such Agriculture StartUp that is harnessing digital technologies to improve farm productivity, increase profitability for farmers, and providing them ground-level information about commodities and market trends.

RML Information Services Pvt. Ltd. (RML) previously known as Reuters Market Light was incorporated in 2006. RML was inaugurated in India in the state of Maharashtra on October 1, 2007, by the union minister of agriculture of India, Mr. Sharad Pawar.

Transforming the lives of farmers

RML solutions are a combination of digital technologies led by agriculture experts who are connected with a big network of local, regional and national agriculture experts and market participants. RML’s database has a library of data pertaining to 450 crop varieties and 1,300 markets and that’s why they have been able to associate with 1.7 million farmers, in 50,000 villages, across 18 states in India.

Challenges that RML AGTech is trying to solve

A farmer in India gets only 20-25% price of his final output vis-a-vis 40-50% in the developed world. The primary reasons for this anomaly are the lack of information, trustworthy data sets, access to the market place, fair prices and levels of literacy.

There are other aspects to this problem like local weather forecast data, market events that affect crop or input prices, new government schemes and sources of finance, as well as guidance that can help improve productivity is unavailable to the local farmers.


  • RML Direct

This is a custom made SMS based Agri-information service that captures and presents knowledge about every phase of the crop cycle right from harvest to output.  Some of the service offerings are as follows:

o   Daily Weather information

o   Farm Solutions – Tips and Advisory

o   Market Dara

o   Health and Hygiene Education

o   Agri Information

o   Financial Information

  • R-Edge

For all the Agri firms this is a useful product and gives market information and serves as an intelligence-based tool that can help in making informed decisions.

  • RMLpro

Communicating engagement platform and a tool that shows information, and intelligence on farmers, farmer groups, Agri commodities, commodity prices and relevant news.

  • myRML

The farmers can now rely on this application to discover useful and important news on agriculture.

Value Proposition of RML Agtech Solutions

RML Agtech is transforming agriculture by turning it into a knowledge-based sector that uses the latest technologies and platforms for decision making. Their products are not only positively impacting farmers’ lives, but also adding value to enterprises and institutions with their microdata analytics. This analysis is based on ground-level information about commodities and market trends and is definitely making a difference.

RML Agtech has a structured partnership plan and they are working with foremost academic bodies, government institutions, finance enterprises and research institutes. This strategic association is giving the company access thousands of resources on agricultural and allied segments. Since RML Agtech’s offerings are based on concrete and value-added information it is helping all its users and stakeholders in effectively planning, managing and expanding their business by taking informed decisions.

Future Outlook:

RML AgriTech has raised good funding and plans to utilize this capital to strengthen its IT backbone, bring in new products with added functionalities and features to its current product offerings.

RML AgTech has engaged with 3.5 Mn farmers across 16 states so far. These key states are Punjab, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and Karnataka. The company plans to expand its services to Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh in the coming days.

To know more visit: https://rmlagtech.com/

Agriculture Start-up

RML AgriTech

Founded In (Year)


Solution Overview

Digital Farming Technolgy and IoT


Amit Mehra, Rajiv Tevtiya – CEO

Investors / Funding



Pune, Maharashtra.

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