Crop Care Federation: Crop Protection way to food security

Crop Care Federation: Crop Protection way to food security

January 24, 2021
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Crop Care Federation of India (CCFI) is one of the most important associations of the agrochemical companies in India. With more than 50 leading companies, “Basic Technical Producers” as well as major formulators, it embodies the broad extent of the agrochemical business. CCFI is a non-profit, non-commercial organization working towards creating an regulated and structured image for the agrochemical industry. CCFI has pursued its committed objective of promoting the causes of Indian farmers through improved crop protection techniques.

Challenges before AgroChemicals Industry

The Green Revolution in India that gained popularity in the late 1960s helped increase agricultural production and productivity substantially. Presently, India is self-reliant in food-grains, with the exception of pulses and oilseeds but nearly one-fourth of the country remains food-insecure. 

Food security is a pressing issue for the growing population that is reaching 1.40 Bn in next few years and going to be1.70 Bn by 2050. This is concerning due to the consecutive decline in per capita arable land and water accessibility. With this in mind, the role of “Crop Protection” gains importance as it matches the efforts of improving the productivity and production of India’s Food, Feed and Fibre crops by shielding them from pre- and post-harvest losses.

Focus Areas of Crop Care Federation of India

CCFI (Crop Care Federation of India) realizes that the power of the Green Revolution may be diminishing and the agricultural growth has begun stagnating. CCFI focuses on efforts to help minor and marginal farmers improve their crop yields by imparting specialized training and extension work. They train the farmers on the right use of crop care products (agrochemicals), along with the latest seeds and the right use of fertilizers in order to raise India’s agricultural production.

CCFI (Crop Care Federation of India) has strived to create focussed training sessions for farmers across the country. As a result, farmers in India are getting acquainted with the latest technologies in agriculture, including information on the right timings and dosages while handling agrochemicals. In several states, this has worked in favour of the farmers. They have achieved extraordinary results in terms of an upsurge in yield per acre and better quality of crops.

Members of Crop Care Federation of India CCFI have initiated Public-Private- Partnership (PPP) to deliver extension services for Indian growers. It plans to inverse the broadening inequality of rural and urban earnings. They are a participant of numerous committees along with scientists of the Ministry of Agriculture to progress the guidelines for presenting innovative products.

Key Benefits of Crop Care Federation

CCFI (Crop Care Federation of India) acts as a catalyst for the progress and advancement of the Indian agrochemical industry.

– The organisation instructs farmers about safe and correct use of agrochemicals.

– They also organize training camps for farmers where a group of 50-70 farmers per group can register themselves at the resident village schools. At the end of the course, each participating farmer receives a University recognized certificate.

– CCFI (Crop Care Federation of India) deems the Dealers’ Training Programmes as particularly important because farmers stay in touch with their respective retailers and seek out guidance on issues.

– The team members participate in a constant dialogue with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers resolving the difficulties confronted by the industry.

– They work with the Government bodies like ICAR, IARI, and CSIR to restructure and justify registration dealings for pesticides.

– They work to integrate the industry with Agri-Universities, Research stations, and dedicated government departments including all facets of agrochemicals.

– The team aids members to imitate international standards.

– They extensively conduct events promoting Agro-clinics and Agro-service centres.

– The organisation delivers unfailing statistical data banks on demand and supply, crop creation, and information connected to agrochemicals.

Future outlook:

The organisation seeks to create the just image of agrochemical industry as guardian of environment, man, animals and crops. It is working out ways to keep a continuous dialogue with the government’s regulatory departments in guaranteeing a level playing field for every stakeholder. Lastly, the organisation is creating a web of Agri Clinics in rural parts to encourage sensible use of agrochemicals. 

Read how FICCI is making a difference in Indian Agriculture

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