AgriFriend: Providing Agri-solutions that Promote Food  Adequacy and Good Health

AgriFriend: Providing Agri-solutions that Promote Food Adequacy and Good Health

January 6, 2021
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AgriFriend promotes nutrigenomics technology-based products for agriculture and livestock. It enhances soil fertility, yield, immunity and quality of agricultural produce. The company’s products meet WHO standards. 

Challenges faced by farmers 

∙ Soil infertility 

∙ Dwindling crop harvests  

∙ Increased cost of production. 

Solution provided by AgriFriend

∙ AgriFriend’s Hi-Yield promoter helps to double the productivity of farmers, increase their income thereby attain Indian National Agriculture goals and objectives. 

Technology used

AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP is an Advanced Organic formulation, predominantly targeted for DOUBLING the per Acre productivity & quality of Agricultural crops most positively, by means of supporting the virtual growing and yielding potentials of Plantlife without the necessity of capital intensive infrastructure, complex technologies or high user knowledge. 

AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP is formulated for the direct use of the farmers, available in semi water-soluble powder form of 200 grams packing (1 Unit) containing Two sachets of each 100 grams, convenient for 2  applications by Foliar spray. The packing supplements one Acre of crops or plantations. 

AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP has been extensively tested & proved for the past 8 years in different agro-climatic conditions on many Horticultural, Commercial, Floricultural crops, Medicinal & Aromatic crops, Fruit and Field crops, Food grains, Spice crops, Bio-fuel Crops & on Nurseries for its exceptional performance. Simple supplementation of WIN-A-CROP by foliar application enhanced the yields from a minimum of 30% to a  maximum extent of 300% (as shown in the following table) basing on the type of crops, farming practices & the organic/bio stature of the soils of different regions. 

The secondary major benefit of supplementation of AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP is the enhanced immunity/resistance to many diseases of pathogenic origin in plants – A great saving in plant protection expenditure and helps to promote Eco-friendly agriculture. 

AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP is highly appreciated by both the farmers and scholars of agriculture for its amazing and sustainable results. 

The UNIQUE ADVANTAGE of AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP is, it performs equally in all Culture Systems &  Farming Practices of different regions including Modern agriculture (with extensive usage of chemical inputs),  Certified 100% Organic farming & on GM Crops. Supplementation of WIN-A-CROP performs exceptionally without interfering or requiring any modification either in cultural practices or in other usual inputs. 

AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP improves the produce quality most naturally enriching with Higher Nutritional  Values & well-bred Characteristic constituents, remarkable Color & appearance, size, flavor and taste with high  shelf life. Induces healthy & early flowering, prevents shedding of buds, flowers and prevents fall of unripe fruits.  Enlarges fruit size, increases the yield and improves quality of the end produce.

AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP supports the Small & Marginal farmers as well as Corporate & Contract Farmers and Organic Cultivators with exceptional quality of produce, productivity, profitability and enhances their Global competitiveness. 

Value Proposition and Key Differentiator of Sickle Innovations 

∙ Predominantly DOUBLES crops productivity, quality & Farmers income. 

∙ Improves soil fertility, productivity & supports inherent soil capacities. 

∙ Enhances crop’s immunity & saves on crop-protection Chemicals significantly. 

∙ 100% Organic “AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP” plant Nutrient is the world’s most advanced, exceedingly  Cost-effective and Eco-friendly productive technology. Formulated to INCREASE the Agricultural  Productivity, SOIL fertility and Immunity of CROPS. Saves on pesticides significantly, resulting in Eco-friendly agriculture and healthy food produce. 

∙ Simple supplementation of “AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP” agricultural input DOUBLES per acre  FARM PRODUCTIVITY of various Agricultural, Horticultural, Commercial, Floricultural, Bio-fuel,  Medicinal & Aromatic Crops of all regions and in all Culture Systems/practices. 

∙ “AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP” DOUBLES the FARMERS INCOME enriching the Rural Economy.  REDUCES the COST OF PRODUCTION remarkably, helping the Farmers to have better earnings even with lower prices. 

∙ “AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP” protects Indian farmers by enhancing their agricultural competitiveness in the era of GLOBALIZED TRADE. Helps farmers to gain international markets through improved  QUALITY of Produce and by incredibly reduced Cost of Productivity. 

∙ Supplementation of “AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP” enhances the productivity, profitability, stability &  sustainability of Indian agriculture leading to achieve National FOOD & NUTRITION SECURITY. ∙ “AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP” supports the National Object of “Increase Productivity & Quality and  Reduce the cost of production, positively in an Eco-friendly Organic way”. 

∙ “AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP” helps to raise Indian agricultural production instantaneously from  SHORT to SURPLUS levels in ONE crop-season, saves huge agro-budget allocations and long gestation  Agriculture Programs & Projects. 

∙ “AGRIFRIEND WIN-A-CROP” transfigures expensive & low yielding ORGANIC FARMING into a  highly REWARDING Organic Culture, leading to promote Eco-friendly and sustainable agriculture &  helps to gain health-conscious International markets. 

∙ Outstandingly cost-effective & Farmer affordable agronomic productive technology, unlike capital intensive and complex Israeli technologies, serves to meet the present needs of farmers and Indian agriculture. 

∙ Works in all culture systems, on all Agricultural & Horticultural crops and in all regions, Universally applicable. 

∙ Supports genetically virtual progressive & productive potentials of Crops and Soil micro-flora and increases soil productivity. 

∙ World’s latest agri-biotech invention that is technically sound, economically viable, environmentally non-degrading and socially acceptable. 

∙ Easy to use, needs no equipment or high-tech user knowledge or capital-intensive infrastructure. Highly suitable for today’s Indian farmers. 

∙ No hectic application practices required, simple supplementation by foliar spray is sufficient. ∙ Globally preferred 100% Organic formulation to produce healthier food/agro produce. ∙ Formulated with all-natural and herbal constituents as per the norms of the World Organic Certification  Standards. 

∙ Excels World Health Organization standards of Organic agriculture inputs. 

∙ Leaves no residual traces of any nature in the harvested produce.

∙ Absolutely safe, Eco-friendly and Bio-compatible/degradable. 

∙ Quite friendly to Biosphere and Atmosphere. 

∙ There is no need to adopt or implement Capital Intensive and Complex Agriculture Production technologies, which also requires higher farmer knowledge – Simple supplementation of WIN-A-CROP  helps to DOUBLE the Productivity quantitatively & qualitatively – instantaneously & cost-effectively. 

∙ WIN-A-CROP is a new-generation Organic Hi-Yield for all plants and crops, which is entirely distinct in its effects from conventional organic inputs or latest agri-enhancers, gains Indian/Global farmers acceptance. 

∙ It is an universally applicable organic agri-input formulated with highly refined and completely safe plant  derivatives & organic constituents to support and explore the virtual growing and yielding potentials of  every plant life. 

∙ WIN-A-CROP agricultural input with complex herbal formulation activates the different plant systems at critical stages helping in the overall improvement of crop quality and yield volumes. ∙ It is characterized by inherent and instantaneous plant acceptability – thus ideally suitable for all intensive and extensive crops. 

∙ Totally free from chemical/toxic / objected substances. Purely organic in nature – a boon to the Organic  Farmers. 

∙ Application of WIN-A-CROP needs no specific equipment or farmer knowledge – simple foliar spray or manual root zone application results amazingly, as all plants are capable of receiving nutrients through the leaves and the root system. 

∙ Develops stronger and healthy root system, thick and lush green foliage in all plants to gain optimal benefit from better nutrient uptake and a higher rate of photosynthesis. 

∙ Upgrades performance of soil microflora enhancing the natural Bio-support to crops. ∙ Strengthens the plants with good health and increased resistance against physiological disorders and diseases of pathogenic origin. 

∙ Supports to withstand and recover from atmospheric hardships and stress conditions. ∙ Improves yield quality most naturally enriching with Higher Nutritional Values and well-bred characteristic properties, better colour and appearance, size, flavour and taste with high shelf life. ∙ WIN-A-CROP formulation is exceedingly cost-effective when compared with its preferential and  multifaceted results and financial returns. 

∙ Supplementation of WIN-A-CROP helps in upgrading the efficacy of all other Fertilizers & nutrients and culture-practices with added performance. 

Looking Ahead: 

Sickle Innovations aims to attain sustainable growth and make a remarkable impact on farmers. The company also intends to expand its clientele to serve other geographies. Learn more at:

Agriculture Startup

AgriFriend Solutions & Services Private Limited

Founded In



Mr. Madhavi Reddy Danda and Mr. Rama Thulasi Siddam Reddy

Solution Overview

AgriFriend promotes nutrigenomics technology based products for agriculture and  livestock. It enhances soil fertility, yield, immunity and quality of agricultural produce.  The company’s products meet WHO standards. AgriFriend’s Hi-Yield promoter helps to  double the productivity of farmers, increase their income thereby attain Indian National  Agriculture goals and objectives.


Sel-funded / Paid up capital is Rs. 100,000.


Flat No.101, Concord Apartments, Opp. Civil Supply Bhavan, Erramanzil, Somajiguda - 500016, Hyderabad, INDIA

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