Agri10X: A Data driven approach for Agricultural Solutions

Agri10X: A Data driven approach for Agricultural Solutions

January 24, 2021
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Agri10x is the first AI & Blockchain-enabled worldwide e-marketplace linking farmers with traders. It is the fastest-growing Agritech company worldwide with an enormous data bank and 360-degree agricultural solutions, extending from pre-harvest to post-harvest.

Blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) have grown into leading technologies that control almost every industry with innovation. Artificial intelligence refers to computers designed to perform smart tasks that have historically been performed by humans. Blockchain is a decentralized network of computers that records and stores data on a transparent and immutable ledger system to view a chronological sequence of events.


After harvest, a crop goes through many processes before moving to production. The current post-harvest processes lack humanity in its method. The interference of middlemen and fragmentation results in lack of proper dues paid to the farmer. Companies easily deploy supply and demand verticals for their benefit. The agricultural sector in India is also fraught by high transaction costs and minimal contact with credit and global markets. This is where Agri10x comes into picture.


Agri10x launched a platform to back the hard-working farming community and produce better management methods for agricultural practices. Agri10x extends microfinance amenities, warehouse examining and offers a vast span of global market to FPOs thereby creating a win-win situation for all the stakeholders involved. Agri10x is closely engaging with FPOs for sourcing and marketing of yield directly to bulk buyers and corporate both in domestic and global markets. The company provides technology, credit and value chain linkage to FPOs and farmers linked to them, in a sustainable way.

Agri10x has altered the whole marketplace through appreciated deliverables. Agri10x delivers additional tech support to the present-day farmers to help advance the quality yield like sensing technologies, communication technologies, positioning technologies as well as GPS, drones, robotics, and data analytics for precision farming.

Key Benefits/ Value proposition of Agri10x

• Crucial factors like soil health, moisture levels, pests and diseases, which could affect crop yield, are identified and fixed at ground level to confirm quality crops and better pricing for the farmers.

• High-end platform predicts harvest timing and commodity valuation in the international market. By assembling widespread data, Agri10x identifies best farming practices and delivers inputs to farmers with regards to ideal time in a year to sell the specified crop.

• Agri10x helps generate high income and profit for farmers to meet their living expenses, cover social welfare requirements and shape assets for their relations.

• Agri10x delivers residue-free fruits, pulses & vegetables that help ensure a well-balanced healthy lifestyle for generations to come.

• Blockchain-based solution by Agri10x has eased the post-harvest development. Offering features like traceability and data security, farmers are selling on Agri10x platform and availing aids like fast payment clearance. The consumers are assured of quality yield.

• Real-time data analytics supported by AI-automated processes gives reasonable pricing to both farmers and buyers. Solutions also include transaction detection, transportation & procurement tracking.

• Since the blockchain network is decentralized, the data is protected and there is no room for price manipulation.

• With the help of NLP (Natural Language Programming) gears, the communication gap between the farmers and the traders has been bridged.

Looking Ahead

Agri10x is working on cataloguing selective commodities and is preparing to add logistics services as well. They are raising funds to cumulatively list all commodities across all kinds of traders using a data-driven approach and observing crop calendars as it is subject to variation in season. It has extended its operations to Telangana, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, and Andhra Pradesh. After the effective launch of mobile app, smart card and Agri 10x-emart, the company is trying to develop a trade footprint in US, Canada, Dubai and Southeast Asian countries to make its global presence known. 

Agriculture Startup


Founded In



Mr. Abhijith Naraparaju, Mr. Pankajj P. Ghode and Mr. Sundeep Bose

Solution Overview

Information technology & Services.




Pune, Maharashtra.

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