Gold Farm: Mobile app for easy Farm Equipment Access

Gold Farm: Mobile app for easy Farm Equipment Access

December 23, 2020
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Gold Farm is a mobile app based solution provider for online bookings of mechanized agriculture equipment for farming and irrigation. Gold Farm enables micro, small and medium scale farmers book farm equipment through the mobile app, call center or local agent. The company also provides farmers located in power deficit regions with solar water pump for irrigation.


Inaccessibility of mechanized farming equipment by smallholder farmers

Farmers find it hard to gain access to mechanized agriculture equipment such as tractors and solar water pumps. This is due to the fact that tractor owners are usually wary of giving their tractors out on lease on credit because of the risk involved.


Provision of a mobile app for booking tractors and solar water pumps for agriculturists located in regions with shortfall in electricity supply

Gold Farm accomplishes its mission of enhancing the growth/sustainability of Indian farmers by offering an innovative mobile app booking and call service that enables smallholder farmers in India gain access to tractors and solar water pumps to cater for their varying farming needs.

Value Proposition and Key Benefits of Gold Farm

Accessibility: The company provides an easy way to book for farm equipment through its mobile app.

Employment: The team collaborated with the local people and created a network of booking agents, who knew about using a smartphone and carrying out online transactions. They helped the farming community to get access to the mobile app

Affordability: The company also works closely with the government and farm equipment manufacturers to make farm mechanization affordable to small and marginal farmers.

Environmental friendliness: The use of solar water pumps as against the use of fossil fuel powered water pumps protects the environment from noise and air pollution; and brings about greenhouse gas (GHG) emission savings which inadvertently helps to slower the rate of global warming and climate change.

Less Risk: Gold Farm ensures that tractor owners are paid upfront for their services and farmers conveniently get the equipment they want at the right price in real time.

Data Collection for research: The company attaches a hardware device to each tractor registered on its mobile platform to collect data about the land holding and size of the farm.

Agricultural extension support: the mobile platform also connects the farmer with farming advisors, who help them with the harvesting process.

Looking Ahead

Gold Farm is present only in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. However, in the coming years, they wish to spread across eight states in India and also start their venture in Bangladesh with the help of international strategic partners.

Agriculture StartUp

Surya Power Magic

Founded In



Abhilash Thirupathy and Karthic Ravindranath 

Solution Overview

Provision of a mobile app for booking tractors and solar water pumps for agriculturists located in regions with shortfall in electricity supply


Mahindra & Mahindra and Infuse Ventures ,Intellecap


Bangalore, Karnataka

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