Agricx: Fruit Quality to be inspected by Smart Phone

Agricx: Fruit Quality to be inspected by Smart Phone

December 18, 2020
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Smart Phones to work as Quality Assessment tool

Ever wondered if you would be using technology to quality test your fruits before eating them? Agritech startup Agricx Lab, has developed an innovative technology which uses smartphone imaging to evaluate the quality of agriculture produce. This Agritech startup has developed a mobile application that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computer imagery to produce objective, accurate, and fast testing of agricultural products.

Agricx is redefining transactions and dealings for food businesses by removing inefficiencies built in the present agricultural process. They have realised that the agriculture ecosystem needs to advance and hence helping towards making it more competent. This firm is one of the first in building an Artificial Intelligence enabled SaaS stack for people in the profession of producing, trading, storing, transporting, processing or financing of agricultural products.

How Agricx stands out from others?

They have developed an application named as

Agricx Inspect

Which is an app used to turn a smartphone into a grain scanning device. It is a stand-alone application for quality analysis. The app converts a simple smartphone into an advanced quality assessment tool.  This application is one of a kind which can be used by people and organisation for instant, unbiased and repeatable quality examination from a picture of the sample product.

Some prominent features of the application are listed below:

1. Transportable: Vernier calliper is a thing of past now with the portable grain scanner in your mobile. Inspect makes any time anywhere grain assessment possible.

2. Quick: Agricx grain scanner assesses up to 500 grains within 2 minutes.

3. Economical: Get a new grain scanner at 1/10 cost of the conventional scanner.

Agricx Procure

Agricx firm has also developed Procure which is an application to digitise procurement processes. It is an application developed for processors and trading houses.  This can work as a completely independent program or integrate data with an existing ERP system.


The organisation is working towards making devices which are price effective and give you lab like results.The organisation with their partners is in the process of developing a transportable and reasonably priced spectrometer and hyperspectral equipment. The hardware powered by proprietary AI algorithms helps you get lab-like results in a matter of seconds & make destructive testing redundant.


Open Platform for Third Party Integration. For hardware manufacturers and people who are curious to access remote testing markets which are being opened by Agricx is there to integrate with Agricx SaaS stack.

1.       Digitise Supply Chain Information

2.       Automate Decision Making

3.       Reduce Production Loss

4.       Monitor Quality to Reduce Wastage

5.       Build A Marketplace    

Agriculture Startup

Agricxlab Private Ltd

Founded In



Saurabh Kumar, Ritesh Dhoot

Solution Overview

Quality Analysis, Digitising Procurement, Hardware integration


CIIE.CO and Ankur Capital



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