Jumbotail: Technology driving sourcing of food and grocery

Jumbotail: Technology driving sourcing of food and grocery

December 17, 2020
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Jumbotail is a wholesale food and grocery platform that provides full-stack services for kirana stores, including storefront delivery and payments collection for its sellers. It also has a fintech platform that provides payment solutions and access to working capital credit from third-party credit providers to its customers, using transactional data and proprietary algorithms.

Jumbotail is solving an important problem of organizing food and grocery ecosystem in India through technology, data science and design. The company is re imagining and re engineering the food and grocery ecosystem through intelligent technology, intuitive design, and innovative business and supply chain models.


Inability to access food and grocery supplies and receive payments in a timely way

The marketplace in recent times has been changing with respect to the supply chain and how payments are received. With technology, the world has become faster and the rate of transactions has sped up. Small scale retailers of food and grocery items often referred to as kirana stores face the challenge of being able to service their customers in the changing food and grocery ecosystem due to the lack of capacity to be compliant with these technological advancements.


Provision of tech driven supply chain, logistics and fintech for the food and grocery marketplace

Jumbotail operates a marketplace that connects tens of thousands of grocery retailers with brands and traders. It offers a whole suite of services including supply chain logistics, a mobile app for placing orders, integration with point-and-sales devices, and credit solutions to shop owners that can’t easily get loan from banks.

Jumbotail’s Value Proposition and Key Benefits

• Marketplace Platform: The company’s marketplace platform connects thousands of mom & pop grocery retailers – ‘kirana stores’ and supermarkets, with brands and staples producers.

• Wide Selection: Jumbotail offers a wide selection of high-quality staples, packaged foods, personal care, and home care products from all the leading brands, and staples producers.

• Quality Sourcing: The company ensures that the customers get high-quality products by providing sourcing services and quality control services to the marketplace sellers.

• Supply Chain and Logistics: Jumbotail owns and operates a full stack tech-driven supply chain and logistics to provide warehousing and fulfilment solutions to sellers and storefront delivery to customer.

• Credit and Payments: The company provides payment solutions, and provides access to working capital credit from its lending partners for the customers and sellers through the fintech platform.

• Retail as a Service: Jumbotail provides Retail-as-a-Service with Point of Sale (POS) machines fully integrated with the supply chain and fintech to help mom & pop entrepreneurs to run modern convenience retail stores.

• Happiness. Prosperity. Delivered: The company provides fair access to markets and increased economic opportunities for India’s wholesale ecosystem of millions of mom & pop grocery retailers, brands, and staples producers and farmers.

Looking Ahead

Jumbotail is looking forward to scale its core B2B marketplace to new geographies across India, expand its network of B2C home delivery product named J24 stores, and to grow its private label product portfolio. Read more at https://jumbotail.com/

Agriculture Startup

Jumbotail Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Founded In



Mr. Karthik Venkateswaran, Mr. Ashish Jhina and Mr. Abhishek Kumar

Solution Overview

Jumbotail is a wholesale and food grocery platform that provides full-stack services for kirana stores, including storefront delivery and payments collection for its sellers.


Heron Rock Fund, Nexus Venture Partners and Kalaari Capital


Bangalore, Karnataka, India

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