Farm Theory: Farm Fresh produce delivered at your doorstep

Farm Theory: Farm Fresh produce delivered at your doorstep

December 27, 2020
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Farm theory is an agritech startup that provides the freshest, locally sourced produce from local farms to your doorstep. Farm theory began with a courageous mission to make a better food system in the world which would restraint food waste, upsurge farmer incomes and give access to healthy, reasonably priced and yet curiously farm-fresh produce to every family. The company’s faster-than-your-supermarket value chain guarantees that the farmers’ harvest is packaged and delivered as soon as the following day.


According to a UN report (2017), 1.4 billion hectares of property (equivalent to 30% of the total agricultural land available) and 170 trillion litres of water is used to yield food that’s unused—food that is considered “ugly.”

Ugly produce is merely a bunch of freshly harvested, but distorted, discoloured and flawed fruits and vegetables that are dumped into landfills because their appearance is ugly. The grocery stores and superstores have firm cosmetic standards that need to be met before the produce gets exhibited on the shelves. Therefore, ugly produce, being cosmetically unpleasant, never exits the farm.

The middlemen acquire from the farmers at awfully low prices and add up to 250% to consumer prices. Farmers barely get 20-30% of final prices. These short incomes with nominal margins force them to take up loans. Failure of repayment of such loans leads approximately 45 farmers to commit suicide each day in India.


The Farm Theory studied these difficulties and situations to create the most advanced and sustainable Value Chain in the world. The company set up Collection Centres (CC) in the farming villages of Karnataka. These farmers sell out their entire crop to TFT, thereby comprehending 20-30% more profits on their crop than an old-style market.

The company hires the women of that particular village to grade the vegetables in that CC and transport these categorized vegetables to warehouses in Bangalore. For this, they also employ the young adults of that village, who happen to be the offspring of farmers. The Farm Theory is leveraging the use of Artificial Intelligence to regularise the Grading Procedure and quality reviews of the Agri-produce. This technology images for shape, size, damage, and quality.

Value Proposition/ Key Benefits:

Farmtheory is constructing a healthy lifestyle brand that inspires the customers to hold a healthy and fresh way of living while placing them on a path to zero waste. The company promises to put the customers’ fresh produce needs on autopilot along with transporting the freshest farm produce so that cooking becomes stimulating, fun, and clean. The culture promoted at farm theory is extreme customer-centricity along with producing an improved food system for the world.

·        FarmTheory offers cheaper alternatives to other home delivery brands.

·        It reduces the number of trips to the grocery store, saving time.

·        Farm Theory provides the freshest produce that arrives overnight from farms to the doorstep.

·        The company goes through piles of produce and multiple stages of sorting pieces to uphold the guaranteed quality.

·        Restaurants save up to 30% on acquiring Ugly Produce. There is also an option available to purchase regular shaped and sized fresh harvest for salad dressing and presentation.


FarmTheory provides 1000 kgs of fruits and vegetables every day straight from farms to restaurants and the Indian Military Canteens. They have 3 merchandising outlets in Bangalore and are beginning campaigns to instruct the public about the health and ecological benefits of ugly produce. The company is launching a mobile app that would allow anyone in the city to order their fruits and vegetables straight from farms through TFT. Plans are being drawn up to create an artificially intelligent supply chain which will make scaling and quality reviews more competent and reliable.

Agriculture Startup

Farm Theory

Founded In



Sakshi Agarwal Arpit Agarwal

Solution Overview

Online Produce Marketplace and Delivery Solutions.


Y Combinator.


Bengaluru, Karnataka.

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