DeHaat: One platform for farmers and suppliers

DeHaat: One platform for farmers and suppliers

December 9, 2020
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DeHaat™ is among the few companies providing end-to-end solutions and services to the farming body in India. This fast-growing company is building AI-enabled technologies to revolutionize supply chain and production efficiency in farm sector. The company is currently functioning in eastern India – Bihar, UP and Odisha – with 265,000 farmers in the service network.

Founded in 2012. the company recognized the issues in the agri supply chain issues related to procurement, transparency & quality control. As the food price inflates and the farmers migrate to urban areas simultaneously for labor work of 4-5k of monthly job; there was a need for organized players & sustainable model businesses in this field. The company was born, thus to ensure wholeness to farmers livelihood.

Solutions for all:

App Solution for Farmers:

Among its multiple features, DeHaat App avails frequent crop reminder notification voice calls in local language to the farmer specific to their crop requirements. It allows the farmers to practice flexibility to order input through the App. The farmers can sell their output directly to Dehaat through the app, thereby eliminating middleman at mandi price.

Solution for Micro-Entrepreneur:

DeHaat avails humongous scope for small entrepreneurship to flourish in rural area by making franchise operations available at the most subordinate level. Every franchise facility in the rural bazaar is fundamentally a one-stop shop where the farmer can find direct access to all material inputs, technical advisory and market linkage for farm produce which is branded collectively as “DeHaat Center”.

Solution for Institutional-Buyers

Inculcating the usage of Data Science, Agri Science and Machine Learning technologies, the company has been working on Artificial Intelligence engine that can associate many of parameters that affect influence agriculture and provide predictive analytics and early notices for better production and forecasting mechanism that assists our institutional buyers better plot their operations.

The online portal of Dehaat Marketplace assists the corporate customers to keep trace of transactions, check product procurement pipeline and enables online orders.

Key Benefits of choosing DeHaat:

The company provides 360° services to farmers throughout the season, i.e. end-to-end approach.  They encourage the involvement of local resources as change agents. User friendly ICT based tools; no data dependency are the main features of the technology used by Dehaat. Low cost customized solution for farmers & “DeHaat” enables the company to act as a One stop destination.

DeHaat believes in 100% transparency & customized crop production for buyers and a data driven approach. It holds a value proposition for all stakeholders (farmers, service providers, institutional buyers, govt.)

Moving Forward:

DeHaat seeks to positively impact the percentage of increment in agricultural income of farmers, reduction in sot of cultivation, reduction in running time and cost. DeHaat team has built a stage that will continue to materially improve India’s rural supply chain and produce meaningful benefits to smallholder farmers.

The company aims to aid 250,000 farmers by March 2020 in the same geography and develop the farmers’ network to 1 million in different states like Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Maharashtra by the year 2022.

Agriculture Start-up


Founded In (Year)


Solution Overview

Farmer Solutions, Micro Entrepreneur Solutions, Institutional Buyer Solutions.


Shashank Kumar – CEO
Manish Kumar – Co-Founder

Investors / Funding

Sequoia Capital India.
FMO- Entrepreneurial Development Bank


Gurgaon, Haryana.

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