Tag "Data Analytics"

Satyukt: Focus on Satellite Imagery and Analytics as Modern Agriculture Solution

Satyukt Analytics and agritech company provides business to business (B2B) agricultural data and services and has worked with enterprises, several government entities and premier academic institutes of India. Satyukt has been providing support on agricultural and water resources using high-resolution

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Agrostar: Agriculture Products are now sold online in India

Online shopping of Farm Products is possible now AgroStar is one of India’s leading Agricultural Technology start-up which is working on the mission of helping the farmers of India triumph by providing a comprehensive range of Agricultural solutions at the

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Fasal: Know your farm forecast for next 14 days

The artificial intelligence-driven platform from Bengaluru-based agri-tech startup Fasal is a precision farming solution provider that enables farmers make informed decisions. Through their solution Fasal monitors micro and macro climatic condition, soil parameters, crop stage and growth characteristics, etc. and

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