MyCrop Technologies: Changing the life of marginal farmers

MyCrop Technologies: Changing the life of marginal farmers

December 27, 2020
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MyCrop Technologies is a technology enabled initiative for farmers that provides services through Farmer Mitra (a village level businessperson, VLE). It delivers insights, expert advice and funds, to raise their output & profitability hence improving their standard of life. MyCrop’s sustainable agriculture platform provides. At MyCropTechnologies, they specialize in developing, implementing, and supporting web-based applications that help differentiate agencies and authorized insurance providers (AIPs) within the agricultural insurance market—positioning them at the forefront of the industry and futureproofing their businesses:

1.Big Data Analytics

2.Artificial Intelligence (AI)

3.Machine Learning (ML)


5.Cloud Computing.


Smallholder farmers suffer a disadvantage due to lack of meaningful resources as well as limited, if not completely absent access to technology. The agriculture ecosystem in the country’s economy is plagued with inefficiency in entirety, both on the front of input supply and output markets, lack of data (farm/farmer level) and lack of transparency in transactions. As a result, farmers only achieve less than 10 percent of the total economic value they create.


MyCrop Technologies is a collective platform that strives to combine radical technology (Big Data, Machine Learning, Smart Phones/Tablets, etc.), advanced business model (Agriculture Platform as A Service), and attentive manual efforts (insightful recommendations for agriculture, products, and offering of services through Farmer Mitras) to serve smallholder growers.

-Platform as A Service (PaaS):

MyCrop offers a platform where every stakeholder contributes data as well as consumes data insights hence elevating serviceability of the platform for all stakeholders. It provides collaborators with a customised platform to frequently see the growth of their services being utilised by the farmers.

-Data Insights:

Farmers are delivered with real-time customised recommendations grounded in the ML algorithm of the platform. On the basis of the farmers’ contextual data and detailed actionable insights, collaborators can frequently keep a check as well as expand their offerings to serve the farmers more efficiently. 


MyCrop also offers an ecommerce platform exhibited around the requirements of the agriculture ecosystem. It permits the sale of agricultural inputs and agriculture services without unsettling the current value chain. It also enables sales of farmers’ harvest in a transparent and competent manner by linking buyers directly to the farmers.

Value Proposition/ Key Benefits.

· Facilitates farmers in participating and implementing ideal decisions by providing : geo-mapping, crop planning, individual farm plans and farm automation solutions customized for each farmer based on the meteorological conditions, soil quality, pest history, crop data on a near real-time basis.

· Supports data-driven, scalable, self-learning Agri-food systems.

· Serves as a farm as well as farmer administration solution, predictive analytics and monitoring tool, decision support system and an e-commerce platform.

· Cultivates an all-inclusive ecosystem which polishes the information needs and requirements of the farmer while making the effective and efficient use of resources easier for them.

· It enables the farmer to lessen his cost of cultivation, increase his yield and confirm improved realisation of his finished product, hence growing the overall income.

· MyCrop also provides last mile access (information and physical) to farmers. This enables them to distribute their offerings (product, service, project) extra sparingly and capably.

Looking Ahead 

The problems facing the agriculture industry are complex and continuously changing. Globalization, technological innovation, regulatory changes, demographic shifts, and environmental pressures are continually redrawing the competitive landscape. As technology evolves and gains greater traction in our everyday lives, the rural ag community is realizing the potential software has for addressing these challenges. In the following years, MyCrop is aiming to finish its first phase of operations. They are doing so by training 1,000 plus Farmers Mitras, helping 4 lakhs plus farmers and registering 30 plus platform participants. Read more on

Agriculture Start-up

Mycrop Technologies Private Limited.

Founded In (Year)


Solution Overview

Agritech Solutions


Deepak Pareek – CEO,
Vinesh Patel (Director),
Paresh Shah (Director)

Investors / Funding

Bootstrapped, Agri Udaan


Ahmedabad, Gujarat.

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