Write for Us

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Write for Us

We’re always looking for content writers who have passion for technology and are upbeat about its future potential for Indian Agriculture. If you’ve got an idea, a perspective, that will challenge our readers and move Agritech Industry forward, we want to hear about it. But you don’t need to wait for an idea that will redefine Agritech in India. Just aim to bring readers a fresh perspective on a topic that has got you thinking and made you restless.

Writing for our portal Focus Agritech takes earnest efforts, passion and dedicated work. We want your article to hit new benchmarks, and we’ll push you to get there. Once accepted, you’ll get extensive feedback from our team, and you’ll work closely with your guide on revisions and modifications.

It’s also rewarding. Thousands of your peers (and clients, publishers, or potential employers) will read your work, and you’ll also learn a lot in the process—about structuring your ideas, about writing, and even about Agritech that has got the industry talking about.

What we’re looking for

You may submit a draft, or a short write up (1-2 paragraphs that establishes your argument and why it matters to our readers) combined with a gist. The more structured your submission is, the better feedback we can give you. Keep in mind that we only accept original and unique content—we do not publish anything that’s been published elsewhere (including social media pages or blog).

Before you submit, look at our recent articles on FocusAgritech portal for insight into structuring and formatting your article, and make sure your submission:

Has a meaningful content, context and offers a clear argument—not just a list of tips and tricks.

Has a voice. Be assertive, interesting, and empathetic.

Is written for an audience of Farmers, Agritech StartUps, Government Bodies, Agriculture Institutions, Corporates from Agriculture industry, or similar.

Is supported with convincing arguments, not just opinions. Give credit where it is due and do fact checks before citing.

What we publish

We publish articles anywhere between 600–800 words, depending on subject complexity. All should be well-considered explorations of current and cutting-edge technology topics in the Indian Agriculture industry. Think of Block Chain, IoT Devices, Big Data , Data Analytics, AI / ML, Drones or Satellite Imagery and their use cases for Indian Agriculture;

How to submit

Email us your submission. We prefer to review your submissions through collaboration platforms like Google documents so that editors can easily provide feedback on your write ups. We are looking forward to receiving your article.

Should you have questions and feel the need to discuss, please contact us.

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